Episode 9 – Back in the Saddle with an overdue show: Interview with the (x-vampire) Cloud Master Stuart Williams Part 1
… and an apology for taking awhile to get going again after a loooooooong hiatus (thank you mother nature, fun clients and a winter that guarantees the groundhog, “Phil” or whatever his name really is, stays in witness protection!)
We have not been idle even when we suffered from a centennial level flu season and will start with an episode we recorded just before all the nuttiness (or rather as it was starting since you will probably hear Ralph coughing it up a few times in in-editable portions of the show)
It is coming in two parts and involves a good friend and colleague, Stuart Williams who we consider top resource (wait, someone said not to call people resources … uhm … top … top … top Cat? Top Dog? Top … top? Great Guy! ah, yes) for cloud topics across the board and although we sort of had an agenda, we ended up with a free flow of information that covers topics from strategies to life choices vis-à-vis the cloud, ha, ha!
So for Episode 9 part 1 we share with you the first almost-half of that interview/panel discussion which actually started before recording did so you can imagine, perhaps, what more we could have covered.
To be sure, it makes for a good start on our return as we are now back in mode and a-fresh with topics for the year or at least until the next super busy assignment so do enjoy and remember, we are open for comments!
We will post links for the episode in part 2 so, for now, enjoy part 1 and watch out for part 2 coming within a week of this posting!